Monday 23rd May 2016
A new non-profit organization, the International Aviation Services Organization (IASO), was unveiled today, coinciding with the first day of EBACE. IASO's mission is to provide a unified voice for aviation services companies at airports around the world. Created by a Board of Directors with decades of international industry experience, the organization will champion key issues affecting the air freight, aviation services and logistics sector.
"Our goal is to improve safety and facilitate the highest standards in Aviation Services, working closely with established industry organizations to see how they can benefit in becoming an IASO member," said Mr. Munir Khalifa, IASO President and Founder. IASO provides a direct representative link with other established associations, including IATA, ICAO, AAA and MEBAA, he said, speaking at the launch in Geneva.
IASO members will have access to an online database system--Aviation Ground Services Assessment (AGSA)--for auditing and measuring key risk factors, as well as discounted insurance and expeditious payment for services rendered. A sophisticated arbitration-resolution mechanism ensures ISAO members have access to quality service.
The Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA) and MIXJET are founding members and will follow IASO's vision to speak with one voice, pursuing one consistent level of industry standards that will "level the playing field" for all aviation services providers thereby guaranteeing the highest level of service, cost-savings and efficiency.
Small industry supply companies can also benefit by utilizing IASO's resources with key tools such as ground damage reporting tool, audit support and fuel price efficiency, Mr Munir Khalifa added.
IASO will work as an umbrella association for all aviation services companies all over the world. It embraces two sub-organizations--International Handling Agents' Organization (IHAO) and International Fuel Service Organization (IFSO).
Interested companies can apply for membership online at with the option to select four levels of membership: Platinum, Gold, Silver and General. Annual fees start at US$3,000.
IASO's members will also be invited to collaborate and support humanitarian operations to eradicate world hunger through aligning with the "Helping Hands" World Food Programme. "Providing WFP with our members' expertise means we are not only doing our part for the good of the industry but also contributing to help others help themselves as we try to win the battle to defeat world hunger," added Captain Samir Sajet, Board Director of IASO and UAE Safety Officer for the WFP.
The IASO Board of Directors brings a wealth of aviation experience to the Association.
• Munir Khalifa is IASO Founding Chairman and has over 25 years' experience in aviation services. He is the Owner & CEO of MIXJET Flight Support since 2007. Khalifa also established ALSHAMELAH Aviation Services in 2011 and founded the sister company MIXJET AB-Europe in Sweden in 2012 focused on the European market.
• Ali Ahmed Alnaqbi is IASO President and Founding Chairman of the Middle East Business Aviation Association (MEBAA). He has over 26 years' experience in the aviation industry. Since 2007, he has been elected member of the International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) and sits on the board of a number of international companies in the business aviation fraternity.
• Captain Samir Sajet, is the coordinator with IASO to help create the Helping Hands programme to support UN WFP. Capt. Samir is regionally responsible for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)-Aviation Safety Unit (UAE) for Asia, North Africa, Sudan and the Middle East Regions. Sajet leads a common service provided by WFP to serve and provide the humanitarian community with safe and reliable air transport services during humanitarian emergencies.
• Roy Barnett is IASO Operations-Vice President and recently served as General Manager of the Pacific Aviation Safety Office (PASO) in Port Vila, Vanuatu since May 2014. Prior to this assignment, Roy served with the US FAA's International Office of Aviation Safety, Flight Standards Division as the Middle East-North Africa FAA Senior Representative. He also served with ICAO and was a principal architect of the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP), working in various technical and management positions with the FAA and ICAO.
About IASO: With its main headquarters located in Geneva, IASO is a non-governmental organization with regional offices in Sweden, Montreal, USA, UAE, Kenya. In addition, IASO is in the process of opening four regional offices in Africa, Asia, as well as North and South America.
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