Monday 4th March 2019
HAI Heli-Expo, Atlanta, GA:- Aero Asset, the new global helicopter brokerage from established international helicopter sales professionals Emmanuel Dupuy, William Sturm and Valerie Pereira, formally launches today (March 4th) at HAI Heli Expo in Atlanta.
Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, with a global reach, the entrepreneurial and multi-lingual trio, pledge a fully immersive approach to marketing pre-owned heavy, medium and light twin helicopters, drawing on their deep understanding of the market over a combined 50-plus years.
Emmanuel and William lead sales and Valerie, a renowned specialist in aircraft market research, is business development and research director.
“We believe the time is right for an independent, advisory-focused helicopter brokerage. The pre-owned market took an upturn in 2018, after several years of flatlining and we look forward to that trend continuing on an upward curve,” said Aero Asset co-founder and Sales Director William Sturm. “We are looking forward to pushing boundaries with our new business and intend to deliver an unrivalled level of customer service.”
Unveils Pre-owned Helicopter Market Trends Report (2018)
Central and distinctive to Aero Asset’s business is its ground-breaking ‘Pre-owned Helicopter Trend Report (2018).’ Drawing on its proprietary intelligence and close knowledge of the market, the Aero Asset report analyses 15 twin-engine models in the light, medium and heavy categories, from the Airbus H135 to Sikorsky S92A. It is published to coincide with HAI Heli-Expo, the premier global helicopter showcase.
“We are ranking pre-owned helicopter markets by liquidity, and outlining drivers and highlights for each market segment,” co-founder Emmanuel Dupuy explained.
“Brokers and dealers cultivate a short view of the markets, leveraged by intel from past deals and best buys available for sale. The data is very refined. This report aggregates 2018 helicopter trading intel and compares it with the previous year. The Report focuses exclusively on twin engine pre-owned markets, leveraging key com-parative indicators to establish a ranking of the best and the worst performing pre-owned twin engine markets in 2018.”
See full report here:
Light twin market, led by the Airbus EC135/H135, market leader in terms of trading activity
Twin-engine helicopter trading was up 9% in 2018 versus 2017, Aero Asset’s Report highlights, with the light twin market generating the most activity, up 13% over 2017. Average absorption rate decreased 40%, compared with 2017, with the most significant reduction showing in the medium twin market.
Out of the 13 pre-owned markets covered: Nine had lower absorption rates than 2017, two were on par and two had a higher rate. Nine had higher trade volume than 2017, two were on par and two had lower trade volume
The No 1 performer in 2018 was the AirbusEC135, with 30% of models traded being less than 10 years old and 80% less than 15. Only 10% of buyers were outside the US and EU and 80% of transactions involved EMS/or EMS conversions. The EC135’s absorption rate in 2018 was one year. A total 33 preowned EC135’s were traded in 2018.
The Leonardo A109E Power ranked second, with nearly twice the absorption rate of the EC135. With 24 units sold in 2018, the type maintains strong liquidity, according to Aero Asset’s Report. A total 40% of these aircraft were sold in Africa, Latin America and Asia, with a minority (15% of the total sales) as EMS variants.
Ranked third is the Leonardo A109S / AW109SP. GrandNew sales doubled, while classic Grand sales declined 40%. Dealer purchases accounted for one third of all pre-owned transactions in this market.
The Bell 429 topped Bell Helicopters’ liquidity line up in 2018. Trading activity was dominated by VIP models and less than five-year-old aircraft. Half of the buyers were from the US; 50% from Asia and Europe. With an absorption rate of two years and seven units sold, 30% up on 2017, the Bell 429 is ranked 6th.
Sikorsky’s S76C+ and S76C++ are ranked seventh, with an absorption rate of 3.5 years. S76C++ sales doubled in 2018, while S76C+ sales declined slightly. Eleven were sold in 2018, the same as 2017.
In its retail sales and supply analysis (by weight class) Aero Asset’s Report shows light twin helicopter transactions totalling 90 – up 13% over 2017.
Medium helicopters are unchanged at 44 and heavy helicopters (the EC/H225 and Sikorsky S92) up 30%, with three pre-owned models sold in 2018. The contrast on sales / versus supply is most noteworthy on the Sikorsky S76C+/C++ (11 v 38) and Bell 412 (seven sold / versus 30 available).
“We are very pleased to present this Report at this week’s HAI Heli Expo and are already working on the next edition, which we plan to publish Q2,” Emmanuel added.
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