Wednesday 19th October 2022
October 19, 2022 – Orlando: Global trip support solutions provider, UAS International Trip Support (UAS) has expanded its global network of onsite supervisors across airports in the United States, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia with plans to extend further in the near future. Complementing its established station manager and VIP supervisor networks in Mainland China and Africa, this expansion enables the global trip support solutions provider to provide the ultimate white glove service to its international client base and alleviate time-consuming trip planning responsibilities enabling them to focus on their core business.
UAS clients across North and South America are now benefiting from having a local UAS supervisor onsite to deliver priority ground handling, dedicated supervision, and the convenience of consulting with a single source for all trip support services at pivotal business aviation gateways. The expansion also brings with it the advantage of more competitive pricing with tailored pricing packages to help operators optimize their operations costs.
Today, the UAS Global Network spans five continents and more than 30 countries with the power to move supervisors into any global location where they are needed to ensure flawless operations representing a new level of customer experience in the established and emerging markets of the Americas.
UAS supervisors have a wealth of experience and local knowledge, handle all pre-planning and information checks, and mobilize ground service providers to ensure operators and passengers can have a smooth and stress-free travel experience.
“Our supervisors navigate the common operator pain points by reducing the number of contact points, simplifying the trip planning process, and emulating the high standards delivered by UAS globally,” says UAS Co-Owner/Founder and Executive President, Mohammed Husary.
Visit the UAS team at NBAA-BACE booth 2085 .
UAS team at NBAA Orlando
UAS International Trip Support is an award-winning, customized trip support solutions provider serving customers globally. Offering a one-stop shop for all aviation needs including trip support, executive travel, and air charter, UAS is trusted by Heads of State, VVIPs, Fortune Global 500 companies, and business jet operators worldwide. Founded in 2000 with a vision to serve places other suppliers had yet to reach served before, UAS has been at the forefront anticipating demands and exceeding the expectations of its clients ever since . With a ground presence at 31 locations, its global network is constantly expanding to ensure clients receive the best supervision and quality at every destination. UAS channels its expertise and experience to deliver game-changing technology solutions designed specifically for business aviation. Its over-riding mission is to revolutionize the international business flight user experience. For more information, visit
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