Tuesday 12th March 2013
First of bi-annual board meetings lays solid plans for 2013.
The African Business Aviation Association (AfBAA )
Founding Members convened for the first of its biannual Board meetings in Rabat, Morocco at the beginning of March, to discuss continued activity and strategic plans for 2013. In addition to the general meeting AfBAA fulfilled its role as a leading advocate of Business Aviation in Africa by attending a meeting with H.E. Mr. Aziz Rebbah, Minister of Equipment and Transport for the Kingdom of Morocco, as well as the country's Civil Aviation Authority, to discuss the Business Aviation landscape in Morocco and to explore A fBAA 's role with in the sector.
The meeting with the government authorities exemplifies A fBAA 's approach to improving the Business Aviation sector on the continent through direct communication with key regulatory authorities. "Through advocating the importance of Business Aviation as an economic driver to these key stakeholders we can increasingly make government bodies aware of the significance of Business Aviation," said Tarek Ragheb, Chairman of theAssociation.
"In this case we were able to demonstrate our committed dynamic approach and received an extremely positive response from the Moroccan authorities who recognise the value of the community in Morocco and further afield on the continent."
AfBAA will now be a conduit for Moroccan Business Aviation development as it continues to communicate the key issues on behalf of its members to the authorities; and work in conjunction with them to improve the climate for Moroccan Business Aviation.
The Moroccan-based meeting, which was arranged and hosted by one of A fBAA 's Founding Members private jet operator Dalia Air, also took the opportunity to discuss the Association's strategic plan for the year. Amongst AfBAA 's plans for 2013 is the commissioning of an in depth study into the framework of Business Aviation in Africa that will be used to support future planning.
The Association also plans to host a Regional Symposium in Q3 for all entities involved in Business Aviation in Africa to attend; and a subsequent White Paper, which will be published prior to EBACE, will further enhance the Association's commitment to Advocacy through in-depth research and provision of realistic solution based propositions.
The next AfBAA meeting will take place on the occasion of EBACE 2013 to be held in Geneva from May 21 - 24 where four of the Founding Members will share a booth at Europe's largest annual Business Aviation conference. "This first meeting of the year was a great success with members showing their dedication by travelling up to nine hours in some instances to attend," said Rady Fahmy, Executive Director of A fBAA . "We anticipate 2013 will be an exciting and productive year for the Association and
will see African Business Aviation gathering momentum on a global stage."
Membership figures now stand at 19 Founding Members, four Launch Members and
four regular members. The final Founding Member position is currently being
The African Business Aviation Association was launched in May 2012 to represent the interests of the Africa's aircraft owners, operators, and suppliers to the Business Aviation community in a single voice.
AfBAA 's primary objective is to promote the understanding and benefits that Business Aviation provides for the Continent's economic development and prosperity through advocacy.
As an active, well funded, prof essionally run organisation AfBAA is committed to increasing membership, raising awareness of the Association internally and externally in Africa and supporting all entities involved in Business Aviation in Africa.
Chairman Tarek Ragheb, and Executive Director is Rady Fahmy, work with the Founding Members to lead development of the Association.
Current membership stands at 19 Founding Members, four Launch Members and
four Regular Members.
Friday 24th January 2025
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